Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

(Near) The End

Sudah dekat nih.
Akhir perjalanan kami.

Teman baru, rumah baru, keluarga baru, bahkan mungkin pacar baru.
Pengalaman baru.
Kami yang baru.

Segala rasa yang dialami.
Sedih, galau, senang, bangga.
Kangen rumah, kangen keluarga.
Bersatu berpadu dalam simfoni kehidupan.

Siapkah kami?
Melihat dunia dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda?
Mampukah kami?
Hidup dengan balutan jiwa yang dilahirkan kembali?

Kami mungkin berbeda.
Kami mungkin tak sama.
Tapi berbeda, itulah garis bawahnya.
Kami berubah, tapi kami harap kami berubah untuk kebaikan.

Sekarang rumah kami ada di dua tempat.
Disini dan disana.
Sekarang cinta kami tidak hanya di satu tempat.
Tapi di seluruh dunia.

Kini tinggal hitungan hari, hitungan jam, hitungan detik.
Pemandangan akan berbeda, atmosfer akan berubah.
Kembali seperti dahulu.
Kami pulang.

Kami pulang. 
Selasa, 23 April 2013

DeCordova Museum!

Few weeks ago my Art class visited DeCordova Art Museum in Lincoln, MA. That was my second time visit the art museum after Rhode Island museum (next post, folks!). As predicted, the museum was awesome. There were lots of sculpture and instalation art, which was veerry interesting, even though sometimes I wondered what the heck are they about. Like, there was a bed inside a glass room in the middle of the field. Have no idea what the heck was that mean or why they called it art. Do we call it art just because the one who made it is famous and easily call it "art"? If that bed produce lots of money, I will make 10.. 

Have no idea what the heck was this... Grape?

Heart thingy by Jim Dune 

Still the heart thingy, but close up. Yup, the surface was not smooth. There were lots of random things, like the hammer, hand (not the real one, I think...), and other stuff.

Don't remember what was this...

This was the dandelion-look-like-thingy

Those were the Debate platform. Two people, pretended they were from Democrat and Republic, read the speech from the platform. The weird thing is, if you stand in front of one of the platform, you won't hear the other people speaking from the opposite platform.

I called it The Wood Lady. It looked like the tree root, but somehow it resemblance a lady..

Horse with wings?

This one was awesome.. It looked like sheets of steels made the cylinder shapes and they were huuuge and looong..

Our Art class sat under the tree and sketched!

Mini-stone park. So cool and comfy

Ann Saunderson, my art teacher, and her husband. A really nice couple

A random ball.. 

A silver old car

The tube tingy. Similar with gamelan, if you hit the tube, it will produce different sounds. 

A weird glass room in the middle of the field.

Easter and April Fool

Tahun ini Easter sama April Fool jatuhnya di hari yang sama. Kan pas banget tuh buat nakut-nakutin anak-anak kecil pakai Easter Bunny atau naruh 'something' di dalam Easter Egg, muahahahaha *ketawa setan
Ya bukannya gue sempet iseng sih, yang ada malah gue diisengin.

Pas pagi, setelah latihan basketnya Kenzie, kita ada Easter Egg Hunt di dalam rumah. Hostfam beli banyaaak eggs mini gitu, terus disembunyiin di seluruh rumah. Nyembunyiinya pinter banget lagi, di tempat yang bener-bener tersembunyi. Nah itu asik banget pokoknya, terus gue sama Kenzie masing-masing dapet Easter Egg candy, Easter Bunny chocolate, Whooper, sama satu lagi lupa namanya. Surga bangetlah pokoknya. Abis itu dilanjutin nonton The Bible series di History channel marathon dari jam 12 sampai jam 9 malam. Ironis banget, kita nonton ini padahal hostfam nggak pernah ke gereja, tapi Grandma, yang religius, malah asik nonton basket di rumahnya (padahal biasanya kita yang asik nonton basket). Menarik banget sih nontonnya, soalnya gue bisa tau cerita versi Bible. Ada yang beda, ada yang sama. Terus visual effectnya ituloh, cantik banget.. (halah) 

Terus mumpung April Fool, gue iseng bilang ke Kenzie, "Be careful with your room" dengan pandangan mata menggoda iseng gitu. Niatnya sih pengen nakut-nakutin kalau gue ngapa-ngapain kamarnya dia, padahal sebenarnya kagak. Eh, dianya nganggap serius dan akhirnya gue kena karma. Dia ngambur-ngamburin kamar gue.. Terus akhirnya gue balas aja ngamburin kamar dia, dan akhirnya kita rebut-rebutan, hahaha... 

Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness is where you heart belong

"Grenade" Stop Motion Video

This is my stopmotion video project for Project Period. Two weeks full to make it, with blood and tears.. *sigh But I love the final video! :D To watch, clik here. Enjoy!

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