Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

(Near) The End

Sudah dekat nih.
Akhir perjalanan kami.

Teman baru, rumah baru, keluarga baru, bahkan mungkin pacar baru.
Pengalaman baru.
Kami yang baru.

Segala rasa yang dialami.
Sedih, galau, senang, bangga.
Kangen rumah, kangen keluarga.
Bersatu berpadu dalam simfoni kehidupan.

Siapkah kami?
Melihat dunia dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda?
Mampukah kami?
Hidup dengan balutan jiwa yang dilahirkan kembali?

Kami mungkin berbeda.
Kami mungkin tak sama.
Tapi berbeda, itulah garis bawahnya.
Kami berubah, tapi kami harap kami berubah untuk kebaikan.

Sekarang rumah kami ada di dua tempat.
Disini dan disana.
Sekarang cinta kami tidak hanya di satu tempat.
Tapi di seluruh dunia.

Kini tinggal hitungan hari, hitungan jam, hitungan detik.
Pemandangan akan berbeda, atmosfer akan berubah.
Kembali seperti dahulu.
Kami pulang.

Kami pulang. 
Selasa, 23 April 2013

DeCordova Museum!

Few weeks ago my Art class visited DeCordova Art Museum in Lincoln, MA. That was my second time visit the art museum after Rhode Island museum (next post, folks!). As predicted, the museum was awesome. There were lots of sculpture and instalation art, which was veerry interesting, even though sometimes I wondered what the heck are they about. Like, there was a bed inside a glass room in the middle of the field. Have no idea what the heck was that mean or why they called it art. Do we call it art just because the one who made it is famous and easily call it "art"? If that bed produce lots of money, I will make 10.. 

Have no idea what the heck was this... Grape?

Heart thingy by Jim Dune 

Still the heart thingy, but close up. Yup, the surface was not smooth. There were lots of random things, like the hammer, hand (not the real one, I think...), and other stuff.

Don't remember what was this...

This was the dandelion-look-like-thingy

Those were the Debate platform. Two people, pretended they were from Democrat and Republic, read the speech from the platform. The weird thing is, if you stand in front of one of the platform, you won't hear the other people speaking from the opposite platform.

I called it The Wood Lady. It looked like the tree root, but somehow it resemblance a lady..

Horse with wings?

This one was awesome.. It looked like sheets of steels made the cylinder shapes and they were huuuge and looong..

Our Art class sat under the tree and sketched!

Mini-stone park. So cool and comfy

Ann Saunderson, my art teacher, and her husband. A really nice couple

A random ball.. 

A silver old car

The tube tingy. Similar with gamelan, if you hit the tube, it will produce different sounds. 

A weird glass room in the middle of the field.

Easter and April Fool

Tahun ini Easter sama April Fool jatuhnya di hari yang sama. Kan pas banget tuh buat nakut-nakutin anak-anak kecil pakai Easter Bunny atau naruh 'something' di dalam Easter Egg, muahahahaha *ketawa setan
Ya bukannya gue sempet iseng sih, yang ada malah gue diisengin.

Pas pagi, setelah latihan basketnya Kenzie, kita ada Easter Egg Hunt di dalam rumah. Hostfam beli banyaaak eggs mini gitu, terus disembunyiin di seluruh rumah. Nyembunyiinya pinter banget lagi, di tempat yang bener-bener tersembunyi. Nah itu asik banget pokoknya, terus gue sama Kenzie masing-masing dapet Easter Egg candy, Easter Bunny chocolate, Whooper, sama satu lagi lupa namanya. Surga bangetlah pokoknya. Abis itu dilanjutin nonton The Bible series di History channel marathon dari jam 12 sampai jam 9 malam. Ironis banget, kita nonton ini padahal hostfam nggak pernah ke gereja, tapi Grandma, yang religius, malah asik nonton basket di rumahnya (padahal biasanya kita yang asik nonton basket). Menarik banget sih nontonnya, soalnya gue bisa tau cerita versi Bible. Ada yang beda, ada yang sama. Terus visual effectnya ituloh, cantik banget.. (halah) 

Terus mumpung April Fool, gue iseng bilang ke Kenzie, "Be careful with your room" dengan pandangan mata menggoda iseng gitu. Niatnya sih pengen nakut-nakutin kalau gue ngapa-ngapain kamarnya dia, padahal sebenarnya kagak. Eh, dianya nganggap serius dan akhirnya gue kena karma. Dia ngambur-ngamburin kamar gue.. Terus akhirnya gue balas aja ngamburin kamar dia, dan akhirnya kita rebut-rebutan, hahaha... 

Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness is where you heart belong

"Grenade" Stop Motion Video

This is my stopmotion video project for Project Period. Two weeks full to make it, with blood and tears.. *sigh But I love the final video! :D To watch, clik here. Enjoy!


Ariel was a good girl. She always greeted me and talked to me. She always smiled everyday. I never saw her angry and I saw her cry only once. She never swore or did bad things. She was always polite and kind to other people. She was the teacher’s favorite because she was smart and always did her homework. Well, I heard that her family was not really nice to her and sometimes I saw a sad look in her eyes, but she could cover it neatly. Ariel was a nice girl, but she was too nice and that made her boring. What is the joy in being boring? She never talked badly about her friends, she never acted like a bad girl, and her jokes were not funny. She was pretty quiet and I heard her talking only sometimes. 

I have to admit though that she was very sweet and nice. She seemed like an angel.

Ariel the nice girl died just a few minutes ago. She was stabbed by a knife in the school bathroom three times, twice in her stomach and once in her chest. Blood pooled on the floor, you could even smell it from a far distance. No one heard her voices because it was a class time and the bathroom located in the farthest part of the school where there are no classrooms around it. People rarely go there because they are dark and there are rumours that they are haunted; they choose to go to the new one instead.

Her pretty face looks white and pale. Her eyes are still open, they look sad and scared. You can see the painful expression on her face. There is a track of tears on her cheek. Poor girl, she died in pain without sees people that she loved for the last time. Is that the expression of all the people when they see the angel of the death? But with her eyes open like that, it feels like she is staring at me with a mocking expression. I get goosebumps and then slowly I close her eyers. My fingers touch her face, cold. There you go, with her eyes close, she looks completely dead. I grin and start laughing. 

Ariel the nice girl will never smile anymore.

                I had a good luck today. Ariel had discovered me while I was injecting drugs into my body. I started crying and begged her not to tell anybody. But do you know what she did next? She smiled and then hugged me, said everything will be okay and she would help me escape from that devilish thing. See, isn’t that a complete lie? Who would do that? No one would say that to other people when they disover them doing bad things. Even my family looks at me with a disgusted look on their face even though they have no clue about what I did. Ariel hardly knew my life, how she could react like that? I was sick of her, sick of her fake kindness. 

That was the time when I finally decided I was the one who will make her go forever. You all agree with me, right? Who can live with someone like that? It is not just me who said she was boring because she was too nice, so no one will really miss her. My hatred and anger reached its limit. So I pushed her to the wall and covered her mouth, then I reached for my pocket knife that I always bring everywhere. Do you know what I felt after I stabbed it into her body? Watched her eyes expanded with horror and pain? It was the best feeling in my life.  The sweet feeling of revenge spread all over my body and the devil in me screamed for more, so I stabbed again twice and let her slide to the floor. Aah, when I saw the blood sprut out and watched her face full of excruciating pain, I wanted to laugh.  I won! I beat her and now I won’t have to see her annoying face anymore! I kneeled beside her to celebrate my victory. 

“You lose,” I said. “You always nice and kind, and that is really annoying. It is not my fault that you ended up like this. If only you stopped giving people a fake smile, if only you stopped being a nice girl, I would not care about you.” I stopped, then I rubbed her face softly, watched her closed her eyes and breathed slowly. Tears fell down in her cheek. ‘You are too naive, darling. Do you think everyone is a good person? There is no angel in this world, missie. No one can be an angel long enough before the devil masters their heart, not even you. I am the evil, and I will get rid of all annoying stupid little angels that disturb me.” I laughed, but then I stopped after I felt her hand touch mine. I looked at her angrily. What the heck is she doing? Then suddenly she opened her eyes and looked right into my eyes.

 “You are an angel. But you just get lost, my dear Lucy. I forgive you.” She smiled, then she stopped breathing. She was gone. Forever. 

I stared at her in disbelief. Did she really just said that? That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life. Who the heck is she? What is she? She is definitely not human. When I saw her eyes, it feels like she staring at me with a mocking expression. I got goosebumps and then slowly I closed her eyers. With the eyes closed, she looked completely dead. I grinned and started laughing. 

Then I feel my tears roll down my cheek. I rub it; I cannot believe why I am crying right now. I cannot stop crying. What is happenIng to me? What’s wrong with me? Where’s that sweet feeling go? I keep sobbing and sobbing. Did the devil leave me after what I did for the devil? Then I stop crying. I know why I cry. I am the fallen angel. I am the Lucifer. What I did today turned me completely into a devil. This is the sadness of my soul, the dying scream of my heart. I am dying. I am a sinner, and there is no turning back. I look at the dead body of Ariel Angelo, and then I whisper in her ear.

 ‘I am sorry.’ 

I pick up my knife, feel that cold metal in my wrist. I close my eyes and cry, but at the same time I smile.


"This creepy story made for my English Creative Writing piece--overall this is my favorite, despite the blood and the killing part. Pam was right, I read too much suspense story.." 

Books Freak : Sabriel, Lirael, and Abhorsen

It's vacatiooon! Despite the vacation itself, I decided to read the books in my spare time. Yeah, who else spend their vacation to read books? Me, of couse. Pam, my US History teacher and my advisor, suggested those books for me from a long time, but I ignore her after a glimpse look of the yellow papers and the old look of the books. Yikes, old books! But after Mary Ann, my High School Dean, recommended them too and kind of push me to read them, I decided nothing's wrong to try it. Now, I know Mary Ann and Pam, as the librarians, know the best. I addicted to the book. They are such awesome books. I finished Sabriel in one day while I slept over in Sarah's house (don't ask how) and finished Lirael an hour ago. Now I take a rest before I continue to read the last one, Abhorsen. Hah, I hate series, especially when I arrive to the ast one, but I can't help myself.. I also hate series that the main character different each books, but I just too attach to those books. Oh well, whatever.. You can read about it in here.

Does the walker choose the path or the path choose the walker?

(Assistant) Stage Manager

Yeah, babe, Assistant Stage Manager! How everything really happen for reason. At first, due to the schedule (bwahahaha) I decided not to join the musical but chose to be a light manager instead. Then, three days before the musical, on the Writer's Festival, I just knew that Hannes and Javin would be the Light Manager. Did not what happen, because I already told Craig and Anthony that I was interested to become the Light Manager. So I said to myself, oh well, whatever, and helped them built the set instead. Suddenly before the rehearsel started, Anthony called me and asked for my help to bring the properties to the stage during the play. Heck yeah, why not! Then I suddenly became an official Ass. Stage Manager. I was like, "I could wear the headphone, yeah!" Yup, at first, my purpose was to wear the headphone because people that wore them looked so cool (HAHAHAHA). I also realized that I more the "backstage person", like to be behind the scene rather that be the player, so I really wanted to feel how it feels like to be backstage people. And it felt so much fun, even though I felt kinda weak because I could not really yell to the actors. But, well, new experiences everyday!

Still, the headphone, woah.. I really finally had a chance to wear it..

Senin, 14 Januari 2013


Saya sedang menunggu anda lho. 

Entah apakah anda sadar atau tidak. 
Saya menunggu anda bertanya, berkata. 
Tapi bukan sekedar basa-basi, melainkan dengan sepenuh hati. 
Ya, saya menunggu anda peduli. 
Saya menunggu anda memedulikan saya. 
Saya menunggu anda sadar sepenuhnya saya disini. 
Saya menunggu anda melihat saya, 
menyadari bahwa saya bukanlah bayangan maya, 
melainkan sepenuhnya benda padat. 
Saya menunggu anda mendengar suara saya, 
mendengar jeritan saya. 
Saya menunggu anda melihat betapa palsu senyum saya, 
betapa perih tatapan saya. 

Saya masih menunggu, 
dan tetap akan menunggu. 

Entah untuk berapa lama, 
semoga saja tidak selamanya. 

Saya menunggu.

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